Vision: Nurturing School, Inspiring Leaders, Contributing Citizens
Mission: To Create Opportunities where Passions are Ignited, Potential Discovered and Dreams Realised
Values: Integrity, Resilience, Self-Discipline, Respect

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Results of Super Zonal and Welcoming 2013

Dear all,

2012 is almost over and I am very sure all of you are looking forward to 2013. Well... I know that all of you are waiting for the pictures of the winners for Super Zonal Scrabble Competition. This year, we have done remarkably well in Super Zonal Scrabble Competition. The junior teams not only won the Top Position for North Zone (same as 2011), we also achieved the top award, which is the Overall Champion among all the 3 competing zones.

Despite Scrabble being a new CCA in Xishan, we have achieved quite a bit along the way. All this would not be possible without the conscientious efforts from everyone, be it the winners or those who did not manage to triumph. In my eyes, all of you are winners and we play as an entire team. Let's take a look at the pictures:

Our Overall Champions, North Zone Winners and Top in Bowl Category in ISNSC

Overall Champion Team: From left: Piraphon, Jimmy, Wen Jie

North Zone Winner Team: From left: Ming Xian, Yi Ann, Evan Aloysius 

Our Cups of Honour: From left: North Zone Champion, Overall Champion, Best School Player

Group photo with our School Leaders: From left: Ms Chua, Mr Razali, Mrs Chin

Group Photo
All these would not be possible without the support from the School Leaders.

In 2013, we would be recruiting new members and most of our junior team members will progress to senior team.  I would need everyone's help to train the juniors. As promised, we are going to have our mini celebration. It will be held on Term 1 Week 1. Further details will be communicated when school reopens.

How about Scrabble Camp? We will have it in 2013! Hope that this camp will bring everyone's skills to higher levels.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pictures of Super Zonal Series Scrabble Competition

One final group pic before competition.

Lunch Time! It's Mac!!!

We need the energy to play! Quick eat!
Oops... I have not eaten yet.
Our J3 with their opponents. From front: Ming Xian, Evan, Yi Ann.
Our J2. From left: Eason, Ethan, Keanen
Our J1 striking a pose. From left: Wen Jie, Piraphon, Jimmy aka Lee Suphagrid
J1 with their opponents.
Our J1 with their final round opponents cum friends from St Hilda's Pri 
Our only senior team, S1. From front: Patricia, Dai Fei, Pradeep.
Clash of the Titans @ Gan Eng Seng Pri
Our School Best Player with Gan Eng Seng Pri Vice-Principal, Mr Chua
Our J3 winning the North Zone Champion. Hurray!
Yay! We won the Overall Super Zonal Champion!!! Hurray!!!
Miss Jolene Cheng and Mr Gabriel Chua with the teams. So proud of the Scrabble Teams.
What a day. Home sweet home.

Results of Super Zonal Series Scrabble Competition

The Super Zonal Series Scrabble Competition is a platform for all the top tier teams from the various zones to come together to vie for the Super Zonal title. Our pupils demonstrated great resilience and persevered till the end. Playing 5 full Scrabble games in a day is definitely mind-draining and tiring. However, with our school values within them, they did not falter and continued to do their very best. Even when taunted by their opponents during the games, our players demonstrated a high level of self-control and self-discipline and focused intensely on their games. Kudos to Xishan Scrabblers!

We are pleased to announce the first GREAT news:

News 1: Our Team J3 has done the school proud by beating all the other teams in the North Zone to clinch the North Zone Champion!!! This is akin to the plate category win in the National Scrabble Competition. Even though we have a new member in this team, the more experienced members never stopped giving him encouragements and showed him the ropes during training. The players are: Te Ming Xian (4 Cons), Evan Aloysius (4 Cons) and our newbie Chu Yi Ann (3 Cons).


News 2: Our Team J1 not only qualified to take part in the super zonal series where they have to play against the other top 4 teams from the other zones, they managed to recover what we missed out in the previous competition. This was their first Super Zonal Participation and they demonstrated great resilience and team spirit to advance from stage to stage. In the last 2 games, they managed to outperform strong teams from St Hilda's Pri, Da Qiao Pri and Gan Eng Seng Pri, and went on to clinch the Overall Super Zonal Champion in the Junior Division. The players are: Lee Suphagrid (4 Cons), Huang Wen Jie (4 Per) and Piraphon (4 Per). Wen Jie also clinched the Best School Player title.

For the other teams who did not win any medals, do not be discouraged or disappointed. I can see that you have put in your very best. Your contribution to Xishan's Scrabble Club is very great. You also play a vital role in attaining the above-mentioned achievements. Without you to train together with the other players, our Scrabble Club would not be able to achieve so much. Do not ever shortchange yourself. You deserve the credits.

Well… I am currently looking at the possibility to further improve your skills. There MIGHT be another Scrabble Camp (No guarantee) at the end of the year, let me know your thoughts about this. Thanks for starting my September in such an excellent way.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Scrabble Trainings (Show your parents)

Dear Parents,

The official Scrabble training is on every Monday, 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm. However, we notice that there are a few pupils with more than 1 CCA. In order not to compromise other team-based CCAs, there is an optional training slot on Thursday, 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm. Training sessions are also extended if the pupils are permitted by their parents to stay till later for more trainings. This slot is optional and it is not compulsory for the members to attend. However, it is conveyed clearly to the members that participation in competition will be based on merits, attitude and attendance.

In our attempt to develop our Scrabblers to be self-directed learners, the sessions on Thursday are also opened to members who go for Monday training. Right now, some of the pupils are self-motivated and they take the initiative to attend Thursday sessions. They are able to form their training groups, borrow the sets and start their own gameplay. Not only we are working towards self-directed learning, we also hope that the pupils can learn collaboratively.

If you have any query with regards to the training sessions, please feel free to contact us.

Gabriel, Devi and Valarie

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Super Zonal 2012

Hi all, we have officially registered for the Super Zonal Competition. Too bad, we have quite a few senior members who cannot join us for this competition. Well... Let's hope that they have an enjoyable Sabah trip. Following is a list of the grouping:

Senior Team 1
Dai Fei (Captain)
Patricia Mae (Updated)

Junior Team 1
Jimmy (Captain)
Wen Jie

Junior Team 2
Keanen (Captain)

Junior Team 3
Ming Xian (Captain)
Evan Aloysius
Yi Ann

The date of the competition is 1st September 2012. It's a whole day affair and lunch is provided. Train yourself for this event. Remember to memorise the hooking list and the J, X and Z words.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Prize Winning Shots

Our Senior Team with their medals
From left: Clara, Jade, Patricia, Weilong, Shu Hui, Dai Fei, Pradeep

Mrs Chin, Mr Razali and Mr Gabriel Chua with the Senior Team

Mrs Chin, Mr Razali and Mr Gabriel Chua with the prize winners for Inividual Event
From left: Mrs Chin, Wen Jie, Keanen, Mr Gabriel Chua, Patricia, Mr Razali 
Mrs Chin and Ms Devi with the Scrabble Team after medals presentation

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

ISNSC results

 I must congratulate the Senior team for pushing themselves and went on to win 2nd Prize in the Plate Category. This is not an easy feat when they have to play against stronger and more experienced opponents from other schools.

There is still a long way to go for our Junior team and they need to demonstrate more self-discipline during the cmpetition and their learning. They were so close to winning the title, but luck just wasn't on their side.

Well done, Seniors!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

ISNSC 2012 Grand Finals

Dear Scrabblers of Xishan, please do not forget tomorrow is the Grand Finals for ISNSC 2012 Team Event. Go and do your best and I'm sure your hard work will bear fruits.

Do revise your word list before going and do not play any phony words during the games. As this is the team event, a player's mistake is a team's mistake.

I hope that you do not waste time thinking only when it's your turn. You should start planning when your opponent is thinking.

Following are some details:
Assemble at 7AM in XISHAN PRIMARY (Do not be late!). The attire is SCHOOL UNIFORM. It is compulsory to bring WRITING MATERIALS, WATER BOTTLE and JACkET.

For those who sees this post, please give your friends a reminder, in case they forget. Give them a call. If you are worried they are asleep, at least their parents will know.

I am sorry that I cannot attend this exciting event. I wish all of you the very best and I await good news from you!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Results for ISNSC 2012 Individual Event

Although we participated individual event for the first time, I can say that all of you displayed resilience and fought to the end. I am glad to announce that we have 3 prize winners:
1. Huang Wen Jie clinching the merit award in the Cup category;

2. Keanen Poon clinching 1st position in the bowl category and

3. Patricia Mae clinching merit award in the bowl category.

I am quite disappointed that one of our players was disqualified because he used too many phoney words in his game. Well... Let this serves as a lesson to all of us. Try to use words we know and play fairly as it reflects our integrity.

Let's get ready for the Grand Finals on 31st May 2012 at Downtown East!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our Inaugural Scrabble Camp

This year, Scrabble embarked on quite a few initiatives. One of it is sending a junior team and a senior team for he ISNSC 2012. The other is taking part in the Individual Event in ISNSC. The third would be Scrabble Camp 2012.

I had a wonderful experience in this camp. It provides me with the experience to learn more about my Xishan Scrabblers who started off as Baby Scrabblers and now playing competitively in competitions. For this camp, I'm sure our Scrabblers have learnt a lot from our guest coach, Mr Kenny who is kind enough to come to our school to coach all of you at the expense of his free time. I am very thankful to him for agreeing to this request and I must thank Mr Addy for doing the liaising. For me, I learnt quite a bit on the resources available online and what aps I can have in my IPhone so that word checking is a breeze for us. I do hope all of you remember the strategies shared by me on the first night. They really help!

I can also see the improvement made by all of you over the course of 2 days and really hope to see efforts put into mastering the 2-Letter words and front & back hooks. These are compulsory knowledge to help you secure a victory. It was fun to see the Juniors "battling it out" with the Seniors and how everyone remained competitive and motivated to beat their opponents. Well done!

Following are some comments I have for all the players:
Senior Team
1. Shu Hui: You need to spend more time on Scrabble. Your vocabulary is extensive, but your stacking skill is lacking and you need to know what are the best squares to play all the time.

2. Jade: This year, you spent too little time on Scrabble and you are still not familiar with your word lists. That's why you find it tough to win the stronger juniors. You used to be much stronger in Scrabble.

3. Dai Fei: Frequent plays really help you and you have definitely emerged stronger. Well done!

4. Wei Long: You possess excellent stacking skills which only a few in our school can match. However, it's your mental strength and resilience. Learn to accept losses and look upon every game as though it is the first game.

5. Clara: You need to master your word lists. They are so important to you. Although you are making small improvement, more efforts and time will help you to advance further. Study the lists!

6. Pradeep: You possess above average vocabulary and stacking skills. However, you need to spend more time on Scrabble to advance further.

7. Patricia: You need to be more regular in your Scrabble attendance. You must have realised that both your vocabularly and stacking have deteriorated. Well... Hope to see you making progress.

Junior Team
1. Jimmy: Well done! I enjoy observing all your gameplay and seeing how you stood steadfast even though you are lagging. Quickly master your words in the word list and go for victory! You are capable of leading your team to victory in the Grand Finals. I know you have been spending a lot of time on Scrabble, but you need to balance out your time for other stuff.

2. Keanen: You are one of the fastest learner, but your pace had slowed down. Please...... Master your 2-letter words and front & back hooks. They are the compulsory ingredient to secure a nice plate of victory.

3. Eason: You need to stay focused throughout the competition. Even if you are lagging behind, you try. Well done for learning the words. Don't forget that one of our school values is resilience.

4. Ethan: You have to work on your 2-letter words. You know that 2-letter words and hooking list are very important, but you did not invest sufficient effort in knowing them. I hope you will work on these, together with your wide vocabulary, you will be a good player.

5. Evan: It's great to see that you have prepared your 2-letter words. However, memorizing is not enough, you need to know how to use them. I said this because you are still forming non-existing 2-letter words. Strategy wise: Take all triple word if possible. The moment it's opened, think of a possible way to get it. You can still make your move later if your opponent did not take the triple word. However, it's almost 100% that he will take the triple word if you do not take it.

6. Piraphon: Great efforts on 2-letter words. Well done! However, you need to think by looking at the entire board, not just at the place where you intend to make a move. You must also look at your entire rack, not just the word you have formulated cause it's an ever-changing game. You only store aside letters when u are going to score a bingo. If not, use the entire rack.

7. Wen Jie: One of the better players in Xishan. However, you must never let your opponent's high scores affect you. Stay resilient and play with confidence. Master your hooking lists and you will certainly get better.

8. Mingxian: Though you were not selected for competitions, it's good to have you in the camp. Hope that you have learnt a lot from it. Word lists are essential tools to make you a good player. Invest some time and efforts into them and you will realize that your skills have improved. Keep up with the learning and it's good that you have the attitude for it.

Let's see some of the camp photos:
Fun Shot
Our Junior and Senior Team
Who is missing?
Teachers shot. Thanks to Mr Addy for getting Mr Kenny and Ms Cheng for staying over with the girls.
Yummy Lunch.
Let's take another shot!
Dai Fei with Jimmy.
Wei Long just cannot stop talking.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Results for ISNSC Team Category

Dear Scrabblers of Xishan Pri, I am pleased to inform all of you that both the Senior and Junior teams qualified for the 11th ISNSC 2012 Grand Final. We will be going to East Coast Downtown East for the final showdown. The date for the Grand Final is 31st May 2012. Please remember to inform your parents about the date in case they are planning an overseas trip.

Work hard and put in all you have!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Photos from Individual Event at 11th ISNSC

Our Scrabblers in the Individual Event. From left: Patricia, Wen Jie, Keanen, Shu Hui, Jimmy, Wei Long

Mr Gabriel Chua with the boys.

Our lovely girls.
Wen Jie and Keanen ready for their games.
Shu Hui waiting for the game to commence.
Wei Long is all ready.

Our calm and steady Patricia.
Our 5-win Jimmy and 4-win Wen Jie. Well Done!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

11th ISNSC 2012 Individual Event

Today is the day of the long-anticipated competition. Do your very best and best of luck.

Dear all, today was a hectic day for Xishan Scrabblers and I am sure all the participants have benefited from this learning experience. Now you know how skilful the other Scrabble exponents are out there. Although I have not received the results from the organiser (will be released 3 days later), but I can give a small update of the number of wins today. (Photos will be posted slightly later.)

Let's put our hands together and congratulate our Junior Team Captain, Jimmy Lee Suphagrid. He managed to score 5 wins out of 5 matches. That was truly a superb feat as the advancement got tougher and tougher as he had to face stronger opponents as he proceeded. WELL DONE, JIMMY!

Next, Wen Jie has done a great job too, scoring 4 wins out of 5 matches, losing out on the last match. It was already an excellent job for him to qualify for the Cup category even though he lost the last match.

Keanen, Patricia and Shu Hui, not too bad, you managed to score 3 wins out of a possible 5. I am sure this is a good learning experience for all of you and hopefully this exchange will spur you on to achieve greater results.

For Wei Long, I hope this opportunity to play in the individual event helped to train your mind and taught you how to manage your emotions. Sending you for this individual event is already an affirmation from the school. Never let your feelings control your ability, or rather, let your ability control everything.

Let's keep our fingers crossed and wait for the release of results next week.

Monday, April 23, 2012

11th ISNSC (Individual Category)

Hi Xishan Scrabblers, the individual category for 11th ISNSC will take place on 28th April 2012, next Saturday. This is the first time where the junior players take part in individual games. The senior group got the experience from 2011 Jurong Green CC Scrabble Competition. Well, there is some slight change in gameplay. From the schedule given, each player has 25 min of gameplay (50min per game) and there's a total of 6 games. And they are using the 2007 version Collins Scrabble Dictionary which I can't find online.

Anyway, let this competition be a learning platform for you. Do not give yourself too much stress. Focus more on the experience and the learning. Pick up skills which you find good and learn from your opponents. Most important of all, exhibit our school values and show gamesmanship. Following is some details:

Date: 28th April 2012
Assemble time:7 am @ Outside General Office
Move out time: 7.15 am
End time: 5.30 pm (There might be an extension of end time, depending on the organiser.)
Attire: School Uniform
To bring list: stationery, water bottle, jacket
Consent will be given on Tuesday.

Schedule of 11th Inter School National Scrabble Championship 2012 Finals – Individual Category PRIMARY & SECONDARY SCHOOLS’ DIVISIONS Saturday – 28 April 2012
Venue: Marsiling Secondary School  
8.00 am – 8.30 am – Registration/Luck-of-Draw Pairing
8.30 am – 8.40 am – Welcome Address/Briefing
8.40 am – 9.30 am – Game # 1
9.30 am– 10.00 am – Submission of Results/Pairing
10.00 am – 10.50 am – Game # 2
10.50 am – 11.20 am – Submission of Results/Pairing
11.20 am – 12.10 pm – Game # 3
12.10 pm – 1.10 pm – Submission of Results/Lunch/Pairing  
Lunch is Provided (Lunch is halal.  Any vegetarian requirement is upon request)  
1.10 pm – 2.00 pm – Game # 4
2.00 pm – 2.30 pm – Submission of Results/Pairing
2.30 pm – 3.20 pm – Game # 5
3.20 pm – 3.50 pm – Submission of Results/Pairing
3.50 pm – 4.40 pm – Game # 6
4.40 pm – 5.00 pm – Submission of Results  
+ The results will be emailed to all participating schools in 3 working days. Category/Division winners are invited to the Grand Finals to receive their prizes.

To get everyone ready for the competition, I will be providing a new list for all individual category competitors. Those who participate in the group category will have it on a later date. I will be conducting a PREPATORY TRAINING for individual category players on this coming Friday, 27 April 2012, from 2 pm till 6 pm.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Back from Reservist and More Competitions

Hi Scrabblers of Xishan, I will be back in school starting from tomorrow. That means I can be around to give you some pointers to improve your gameplay. Please take note of the following information:
1. The finals for 11th ISNSC is 31st May 2012. It will be a full day event where players play 5 matches.
2. The date for Individual Category is 28th April 2012. It is also a full day event where players have to play up to 5 matches on that day. Consent forms will be issued to the participants.

Players taking part in the Individual Category:
Senior Category
Shu Hui
Wei Long

Junior Category
Jimmy Lee
Keanen Poon
Wen Jie

I hope all the competition players do not slacken and continue to brush up your Scrabble skills. With Self-Discipline and Resilience, you will see results and realise your dreams. The school and your Scrabble teachers will be doing our part to create opportunities for you and ignite your passion.

Work hard and we are pleased as long as you put in your very best.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

11th ISNSC 2012 (Preliminary Rounds)

Well... This shall be the communication platform for all Scrabble Xishanites and parents. This blog will also serve as an essential update tool to let the parents know what the Scrabble team will be doing or has done.

Today, we have participated in the most anticipated Scrabble event of the year, ISNSC 2012. Xishan sent in 1 Senior team and 1 Junior team. The participants are:
Senior Team:
1. Shu Hui (Captain)
2. Jade Yee
3. Patricia
4. Dai Fei
5. Pradeep
6. Wei Long
7. Clara

Junior Team:
1. Jimmy Lee (Captain)
2. Keanen Poon
3. Eason Poon
4. Piraphon
5. Evan Aloysius
6. Wen Jie
7. Ethan

Our school representatives have done the school proud today. The senior team managed to score 21 wins out of 21 matches, chalking up an immense spread of near 3000 points. The Junior team scored 20 wins out of 21 matches, chalking up a spread of more than 3400 points. This is a wonderful achievement for 1st time participants.

Other than having the experience of playing against other schools' partcipants, the pupils have learnt more on the school core values of Self-Discipline, Respect, Integrity and last but not least, Resilience. We have also learnt the importance to know the rules well and how gamesmanship reflects our core values.

I hope everyone can have a good rest and let's await the results of the Preliminary rounds. Stay tuned for more updates.