Vision: Nurturing School, Inspiring Leaders, Contributing Citizens
Mission: To Create Opportunities where Passions are Ignited, Potential Discovered and Dreams Realised
Values: Integrity, Resilience, Self-Discipline, Respect

Monday, August 13, 2012

Scrabble Trainings (Show your parents)

Dear Parents,

The official Scrabble training is on every Monday, 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm. However, we notice that there are a few pupils with more than 1 CCA. In order not to compromise other team-based CCAs, there is an optional training slot on Thursday, 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm. Training sessions are also extended if the pupils are permitted by their parents to stay till later for more trainings. This slot is optional and it is not compulsory for the members to attend. However, it is conveyed clearly to the members that participation in competition will be based on merits, attitude and attendance.

In our attempt to develop our Scrabblers to be self-directed learners, the sessions on Thursday are also opened to members who go for Monday training. Right now, some of the pupils are self-motivated and they take the initiative to attend Thursday sessions. They are able to form their training groups, borrow the sets and start their own gameplay. Not only we are working towards self-directed learning, we also hope that the pupils can learn collaboratively.

If you have any query with regards to the training sessions, please feel free to contact us.

Gabriel, Devi and Valarie